Have you ever wondered about expanding your pet ownership experience beyond just dogs and cats? At Broadway Oaks Animal Hospital, we love uncommon pets! When it comes to unique pets, though, there are a few things to think about. Read on to learn more. 

Know the Law

It is not legal to just turn any animal you desire into a pet. Laws vary from state to state and region to region. In San Antonio, Texas the law:

  • Prohibits ownership of any endangered species
  • Requires a Certificate of Registration to own dangerous wild animals (large cats, bears, primates, etc).
  • Requires a Controlled Exotic Snake Permit for some snake species (some pythons or exotic venomous snakes)
  • Asks that you file for an exotic pet permit that is issued by your county of residence (fines can result if not issued)

Depending on the county, you will likely need to demonstrate your ability to care for the animal, and a liability insurance policy may be required. It is also important to know that if your pet escapes or injures a human, the county sheriff must be notified. 

Legal Exotic Pets to Consider

There are a huge variety of exotic pets that, given the right conditions, could join your family in Texas. Some legal exotic pets (legality is often county dependant) include:

  • Foxes like arctic or Fennec 
  • Coydogs 
  • Servals and Savannah Cats
  • Capybaras
  • Kangaroos
  • Lemurs
  • Spider Monkeys

As long as you do your due diligence, the sky’s the limit! 

Things to Think About for Exotic Pets

When it comes to exotic pets, though, just because you can own something doesn’t always mean that you should. 

Most exotic animals are wild animals, and not all of them thrive in captivity. Most species also have unique care needs including specialized habitat requirements, dietary needs, and socialization needs. 

The World Wildlife Fund has an interactive tool to help assess the suitability of many exotic species as pets. They also have a suitability checklist to assess any species not included to help you consider other options. Some exotic animals may not do well as pets or may pose a threat to your family, either due to injury or zoonotic disease.

Please also feel free to contact us if you have questions about owning uncommon pets and we will do our best to guide you. 

Generally, as humans we want to have unique pets because we admire them and want to provide them a good life. This is easier to do for some species than others, and we are happy to guide you to help you be successful in your endeavors.